High-Efficiency Water Heater Ready
For New Construction and Additions
To facilitate future installations of high-efficiency equipment, the Energy Standards contain the following mandatory requirements for systems using gas or propane water heaters that serve individual dwelling units.
These requirements are for new construction and additions (if a water heater is installed in the added floor area), and they are not applicable to alterations. Moreover, these requirements are not applicable when installing an electric water heater.
- A dedicated 125-volt (V) electrical receptacle that is within 3 feet of the water heater and accessible to the water heater with no obstructions, and be connected to a three conductor, 10 AWG branch circuit. In addition, the unused conductor must be labeled and electrically isolated and have a reserved circuit breaker space.
- A Category III or IV vent or a Type B vent with a straight pipe between the outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed.
- A condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the installed water heater and allows natural draining without pump assistance.
- A gas supply line with a capacity to provide at least 200,000 BTU/hr to the water heater.
These requirements make it easier for someone to retrofit HPWH or high efficiency gas water heaters in the future. Virtually all high efficiency gas water heaters require an electrical connection and wiring. Doing this during the initial construction stage is much less costly than trying to retrofit it later.
From Water Heating Requirements — Mandatory Requirements for Water Heating (§5.3.4) of the 2019 Residential Compliance Manual (January 2019), and extracted from §150(n) of the Title 24 Part 6 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.
As always, I am available to discuss the process of meeting the California Energy Code for any building project. Contact me …