Is a Variable Capacity "Mini-Split" Heat Pump (VCHP) your choice for heating a newly conditioned residential space?
With the move towards every "newly constructed", "newly conditioned" residential building in the entire State of California requiring Photovoltaic Solar, the idea of home heating with electricity is getting some attention. If a variable capacity, ducted or non-ducted mini-split heat pump (VCHP) is the choice for heating, please see this information below that will be needed for the Title 24 Part 6 Energy Analysis.
New Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS) Verification Requirements for Variable Capacity Heat Pump (VCHP), Ducted and Non-Ducted Systems in Residential Conditioned Buildings
Listed below are the Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS) Verification Requirements for VCHP systems.
Ducted VCHP Mini-Split Heat Pump Systems HERS Verification Requirements:
RA3.4.4.2 Rated Heat Pump Capacity Verification Procedure
When heat pump systems are installed, and verification of the installed heat pump system capacity is required, the installed heat pump equipment shall be verified according to the procedure specified in this section. The verification shall utilize certified rating data from the AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance or another directory of certified product performance ratings approved by the Energy Commission for determining compliance (product directory).
The procedure shall consist of visual verification of the model numbers of the installed system equipment and confirmation that the installed equipment is rated to provide the required heating capacity.
If the installed system rated heating capacities at 47 degrees F and 17 degrees F are equal to or greater than the values specified on the Certificate of Compliance, the system complies. If the product directory does not publish capacity ratings at 17F, then compliance with capacity at 17F is not required.
Cooling System Verifications:
- Verified EER
- Verified SEER
- Airflow in habitable rooms (SC3.
Heating System Verifications:
- Verified HSPF
- Verified heat pump rated heating capacity
- Wall-mounted thermostat in zones greater than 150 ft² (SC3.4.5)
- Ductless indoor units located entirely in conditioned space (SC3.
Additional Information Needed:
Because of the requirement to verify EER, SEER, HSPF and the heat pump rated heating capacity (as stated above) the following information is needed in order to accurately provide an energy compliance report:
- Number of outdoor units
- Number of indoor units
- ARHI Certificate/number or HVAC Duct Design:
- The AHRI certificate/AHRI Number for the design specified heat pump, that specifies BTUH rating at 47 degrees and BTUH rating at 17 degrees.
- HVAC Duct design that specifies the manufacturer name, model of the heat pump, BTUH rating at 47 degrees and BTUH rating at 17 degrees.
- The AHRI certificate/AHRI Number for the design specified heat pump, that specifies BTUH rating at 47 degrees and BTUH rating at 17 degrees.
NOTE: Gathering this information now, though it may cause a delay, will prevent a possible difficulty (such as installation of an inadequate heat pump) when the project is near completion and not able to pass this mandatory HERS verification.
As always, I am available to discuss the process of meeting the California Energy Code for any building project. Contact me …