Rebates for Electrification of Homes and Other Energy Solutions
Wanting your home to use electric appliances?
There are rebates available for "Electrification of Homes" and other energy solutions.
California Energy-Smart Homes
The California Energy-Smart Homes Program is a residential new construction and alterations program that provides incentives to adopt advanced energy measures and transition to all-electric construction. The program is an all-in-one solution that offers incentives for single family, duplex, townhome, multifamily low-rise, additions, alterations, and accessory dwelling units.
The Energy-Smart Homes Program is available to utility customers in the SoCalGas®, San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE®) territories.
The program supports California's focus on building electrification to meet its climate objectives.
Implemented by TRC Solutions. Administered by Pacific Gas and Electric. See the Energy-Smart Homes Program website for more details.
Electric Water Heating Rebates
Here is a website with possible rebates or other financial incentives for heat pump water heaters: Incentive Resources.California Public Utilities Commission Self-Generation Incentive Program
The CPUC's Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) provides incentives to support existing, new, and emerging distributed energy resources. SGIP provides rebates for qualifying distributed energy systems installed on the customer's side of the utility meter. Qualifying technologies include wind turbines, waste heat to power technologies, pressure reduction turbines, internal combustion engines, microturbines, gas turbines, fuel cells, and advanced energy storage systems.
Learn more about participating in SGIP on the PUC web page. For the most up-to-date information on the current status of the SGIP budget and whether or not a particular step is open or closed, please visit the SGIP home page.
Local Utility Provider
Often local utility providers have rebates available for a wide variety of energy saving items. Take a minute to visit your local utility's website and check for rebates that may be of interest to you.
As always, I am available to discuss the process of meeting the California Energy Code for any building project. Contact me …