California Association of Building Energy Consultants

Ideas to consider for Residential Buildings attempting to meet the 2016 Energy Code, effective January 1, 2017

Design Review

"The best buildings result from an integrated design process: a continual, organized collaboration of a team of professionals that may include architects, designers, a variety of engineers, contractors, subcontractors, Energy Consultants, Building Inspectors, HERS Raters and many others. As 2020's Zero Net Energy goals approach, the need for early and regular collaboration between these professionals is essential."

— from CalCerts — a HERS Company

As a result of this fact, CompuCalc is now offering "Design Stage" Energy Analysis. This will make it easier to integrate energy compliance requirements into the drawings and save costs of re-doing drafting & design. Call or ask today for a fee structure that includes a "Design Stage" Energy Analysis.

Energy Compliance is not just a form needed to obtain a building permit. Energy compliance is a process that begins at design stage and ends at the final building inspection. Elizabeth Smithwick of CompuCalc consults and guides through the entire building process as needed. CompuCalc's fee structure is built on this premise.

Mechanical Systems

Building Envelope

See also:

As always, I am available to discuss the process of meeting the California Energy Code for any building project. Contact me …