California Association of Building Energy Consultants

Builder Responsibility During Construction Phase Under the 2013 Energy Code

The information below is directly from the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. The Contractor of Record will need to complete CF-2R documentation before a final permit can be issued. At the end of this information is a list of all of the CF-2R documents available. Not all will apply to each project.

2.3.3 Construction Phase Documentation (CF2R)


The Certificate(s) of Installation (CF2R) are separated into Envelope (CF2R-ENV), Lighting (CF2R-LTG), and Mechanical (CF2R-MECH) categories, and most compliance measures have a separate CF2R form that is specific to a particular installation. The CF2R forms must be completed during the construction or installation phase of the compliance and enforcement process. The CF2R documents must be completed by the applicable contractors who are responsible for installing regulated energy features such as windows (fenestration), the air distribution ducts and the HVAC equipment, the exhaust fans/ventilation system, the measures that affect building envelope tightness, the lighting system, and the insulation. The CF2R must be posted at the job site in a conspicuous location (e.g., in the garage) or kept with the building permit and made available to the enforcement agency upon request. Certificate(s) of Installation will include, but not limited to, the following:

  1. HVAC Systems. The contractor who installs mechanical equipment signs the applicable Certificate of Installation. Heating and cooling equipment are listed and the energy efficiency, capacity, design loads and other properties of each piece of equipment are documented.
  2. Water Heating Systems. The Certificate of Installation includes information about the water heating equipment installed in the building, including model number, energy efficiency, tank size, input rating, tank insulation and other properties. The installer also verifies that faucets and shower heads are certified and comply with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations.
  3. Fenestration/Glazing. The Certificate of Installation is completed and signed by the contractor responsible for installing the windows and skylights. The U-factor, SHGC, area, number of panes, etc. for each window and skylight are documented. The installer also verifies that all windows and skylights are installed according to the manufacture recommendations.
  4. Insulation Certificate. The Certificate of Installation is completed and signed by the contractor responsible for installing the insulation. The manufacturer, brand, Rvalue, etc. of the insulation installed in the roof/ ceiling, walls, floor and slab edge are documented. The installer also verifies compliance with the applicable mandatory measures (i.e. infiltration and exfiltration) for the building envelope.
  5. Duct Leakage and Design Diagnostics. The Certificate of Installation is signed by the contractor responsible for installing the HVAC air distribution system. The results of duct leakage diagnostic testing, which will later be verified by a third-party inspector (HERS rater), are documented on this form. The duct leakage testing requirements are a mandatory measure under the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Refer to Chapter 4 of this manual for more details.
  6. Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Measurement. The Certificate of Installation is signed by the contractor responsible who verifies that air conditioners and heat pumps have the correct refrigerant charge. This form contains diagnostic data that is later verified by a third-party inspector (HERS rater). The Prescriptive requirements for refrigerant charge and airflow under the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards were expanded and will be applicable to ducted packaged systems and mini-splitsystems. See Chapter 4 of this manual for more details.
  7. Duct Location and Area Reduction Diagnostics. The Certificate of Installation must be completed and signed by the contractor who installs the HVAC air distribution ducts. It verifies that the installed duct system conforms to the duct system design layout that was submitted to the enforcement agency at plan check. The person responsible for the duct system installation must certify on the Certificate of Installation that the installed system features, such as supply register and return grill locations, duct diameters, duct R-values and other duct system design details conform to the requirements for energy compliance credit for improved duct design, as specified on the Certificate of Compliance, approved by the enforcement agency. This form contains system features that will later be verified by a third-party inspector (HERS rater). See Chapter 4 of this manual for more details.
  8. Exhaust Fans/Ventilation Systems. The Certificate of Installation includes information about the exhaust fans or ventilation system installed to meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. The airflow (cfm), sone rating, duct diameter and length for each exhaust fan are documented. Under the 2013 Energy Efficiency Standards, this form contains test results that will later be verified by a third-party inspector (HERS rater). See Chapter 4 of this manual for more details.
  9. Building Envelope Leakage Diagnostics. The Certificate of Installation is completed by the contractor responsible for testing building envelope leakage through pressurization of the house. This form contains test results that will later be verified by a third-party inspector (HERS rater). See Chapter 3 of this manual for more details.
  10. Insulation Quality Checklist. The Certificate of Installation is completed and signed by the insulation contractor when compliance credit is taken for quality insulation installation. Two forms must be completed to verify the proper installation of insulation: one during the rough frame stage of construction, and the second during the insulation phase of construction. This form contains verification results that are later verified by a third-party inspector (HERS rater). See Chapter 3 of this manual for more details.
  11. Lighting Systems. The Certificate of Installation is completed and signed by the contractor responsible for installing hard-wired lighting systems. The installer verifies compliance with the mandatory requirements for lighting, and whether high efficacy lighting or the alternate controls (occupancy sensors, dimmer switches, etc.) were installed. Kitchen lighting and cabinet lighting wattages are indicated on this form when applicable. See Chapter 6 of this manual for more details. When field verification and/or diagnostic testing of a feature is required for compliance (as shown in the HERS Required Verification section of the CF1R), the builder or the builder's subcontractor must perform the initial field verification or diagnostic testing of the installation to confirm and document on the applicable CF2R compliance with the Standards utilizing the applicable procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix.

RA3. The builder, the builder's subcontractor, or authorized representative must submit the CF2R information to an approved HERS provider data registry. All CF2R information submittals must be done electronically (registration) when HERS verification/testing is required.

HERS raters or other authorized users of the HERS provider data registry shall be allowed to facilitate the transmittal/submittal of the Certificate(s) of Installation information to the HERS provider data registry website on behalf of the builder or the builder's subcontractor when such facilitation has been authorized by the builder or subcontractor. However, the builder or subcontractor responsible for the installation is still required to sign/certify the completed Certificate of Installation (CF2R) to confirm the accuracy of the information, and confirm that the installation complies with the requirements shown on the Certificate of Compliance (CF1R) for the building.

After submittal the Certificate of Installation information to the HERS provider data registry, the builder or subcontractor must access the registered Certificate of Installation from the provider data registry, submit an electronic certification/signature to the registry, and provide a copy to the HERS rater. The registered copy submitted to the HERS rater may be in paper or electronic format, or the HERS rater may access the completed, signed and registered copy of the Certificate of Installation directly from the registry.

After providing the HERS rater a copy (or access to in the registry) of the Certificate of Installation, the builder or subcontractor shall provide a copy of the completed, signed, and registered Certificate of Installation at the building site for review by the enforcement agency in conjunction with requests for final inspection for each dwelling unit. The builder or subcontractor shall also leave a copy of the completed and registered CF2R, along with the homeowners' manual (see section 2.3.5 for details), in the building for the building owner to receive at occupancy.


At the California Energy Commission's CF2R - 2013 Residential Compliance Forms and Instructions website all of the CF-2R Installation forms are available for download.

How do you know which forms are needed? If the project is registered at the CalCerts database, the required forms are listed there. If the project is not listed, ask for the assistance of the Energy Documentation Author (Title 24 Consultant), or call the California Energy Commission's Hot Line at: 800-772-300.

As always, I am available to discuss the process of meeting the California Energy Code for any building project. Contact me …